The Most Common Basic Rules For Growing Cannabis
Indoor and outdoor or greenhouse - these are the basic three ways of growing your natural medicine. The choice for each of you will be different, depending on your local laws, geolocation, and of course the climate conditions for outdoor growing. Duo to the laws in many countries, excluding Uruguay, which recently passed a law, giving the right its people to grow and trade with medical cannabis strains freely.For choosing the best strains to grow, I can not help you. It depends on personal interest and for what needs you will need your medical plant. Here are my personal choice of best marijuana strains to grow indoors.
However, I strongly recommend you before you choose the strains, do your homework by researching which strains would fit you best, because the growth process and flowering stages too, differ per variety.
The Preparations
Starting to grow without preparations, might give you an unpleasant neighbor surprise. Other wise you can end-up jailed just because your neighbor got too curious about your personality.
So ... click here to read a ground braking life-story, that will give you a great way to deal with your new neighbors or simply saying, not to attract any unwanted attention.
But ... there are few more factors that your neighbor could suspect you - smell and lights.
And the most important prep for not getting caught, is by not been seen while your prepare the house for indoor growing. So, depending on your garden size, you should think in terms of: lightproof; waterproof & scent-proof. The bigger the the grow room the more expensive the air flow installation will be.
Light proofing is a must not only from leaking it out, but when your plants go from growing to flowering, they require absolute darkness.
A common practice among growers for blocking the lights, is by covering the grow room with quality plastic dark sheet, yes ... it costs, but it will be for your exploitation for years.
Seeds or Clones
To bee seeds or clones - that's the grower's question :) However, experienced growers utilize both ways. But for newbies, which choice would be more adequate?
One thing is for sure, you should start with seeds! The cloning procedure is far from simple, and successful cloning will come with the experience.
The cloning comes from the mother-plant, the plant that has been chosen for its strength and yield. Treating the clone right, it will produce equivalent yields like its mother-plant.
Even for some experienced growers, it is difficult to get successful cloning, even that ... not all the clones that grower makes will come to be with good quality. Click here to see how marijuana cloning is performed.
What about the seeds? When you are about to purchase marijuana seeds from internet for instance, do some research on their seedbank, moreover seek out client's review or testimonials.
Believe me, there are many people who got screwed just because they were too lazy to conduct even a simple research.
The topic is vast, and one can easily may get fooled with "good quality" seeds, so I am giving reliable online store for seeds ! The seeds are 90% rate of germination of every marijuana seeds, however always read their grow guide first.
The online shop provides growers world wide with more than 40 different marijuana - cannabis seed strains. They comes straight from the Dutch farms and are strains with one of the most high THC level, from which the "White Widow" strain is famous with the strongest THC level in the world.
Since there is no middleman, the cannabis seeds come from the breeder itself, making the seed prices more attractive to growers.
Growing and flowering
Being a plant, the marijuana growing depends the amount and ratio of light and darkness. Plants tend to go flowering when the light hours and temperature are increased. The marijuana tends to go into germination after the midsummer, when the amount of light start to decrease.
In this time-frame the plant start to produce a hormone known as phytochrome. Its function is to diverts all the energy to the flowering process. So growers prepare so much for indoors just to recreate this natural process.
Lights & lamps
For a simple one plant grow, you'll need a single fluorescent tube, but if your target is bigger yield, a 400 watts sodium bulb is needed. One such lamp could be utilized up to four plants.
A plant needs all the light it can get, that's why the flora world outdoor in the wild moves towards the sun.
For growing room the inner walls must be as bright as can be, and totally blacked out from any daylight. Some newbies jump straight using 1000 W sodium lamp, however most of them are unaware of the 10 amps that it has.
And when is switched a fuse may blow up. Therefore with all the installments made, the one that a grower must give most attention is the electrical system that surrounds your plants.
And if you were caught that your house burned down because of growing marijuana, say bye bye to your insurance and even you can face jail-time.
The incandescent lights are widely spread among novice growers, they are cheap and durable, however an advanced grower will not use such lighting.
But for newbies they are perfect solution for start. It will require at least 25 watts for single square foot of green to have some results.
Metal Halide lamps are mostly used by professional growers. They are utilized in most of the big sport buildings like stadiums and halls.
This type of bulb gives bright and white light, that resembles almost the natural light of the sun. While the sodium lights create yellow/orange light and are widely used in streetlights these days.
But for greener and stronger plants, the best choice is the metal-halide lamp, which is perfect for indoor growing.
One can start with simple fluorescent tubes, and use this kind of light until the plant get up to three / four inches tall. Afterwards it is strongly recommended by experienced growers to move your plants under metal halide during the growing process. For the final stage - the flowering, a 1000 watts sodium lamp is enough.
Hydro or soil
The soil growing is more safe, but dirtier work during the progress. The hydro growing is clean and neat, but can go horribly wrong if you are careless.
Moreover, growing on hydro is way harder to give your buds a better taste. Another disadvantage of hydro growing, is that the system is static and can't be moved easily, in most cases there isn't such option. While when growing with soil, mobility isn't a stress at all. The pots with soil are easy to move, and on emergency a grower can act quickly.
With hydro systems, many are the problems that can occur during the growth process, for example if your system is home made, it can leak water at some time flooding your neighbors for instance.
Fertilizers and nutrients
Down to the basic chemicals, the plants require at least fourteen of them.
The three at first are those that are mostly popular among growers "the macro nutrients":
These chemicals are consumed in large amount by the plant itself and often are listed on the labels of the fertilizers in percentages, always in order - NPK.
The secondary part of nutrients which are also quite important are:
An the final part of nutrients for your plant is the so called "micro nutrients" which are:
However, most fertilizers do not have more than the necessary NPK nutrients because the secondary group of elements are already in some quantities in the soil. But sometimes in larger crops growers tend to add some. The N is needed mostly during growing, and when the flowering is about to start it require more P.
Lets summarize - for growing a NPK ratio of 20:10:10 is recommended; during the flowering stage a ratio of 5:20:10 is good enough. However, a newbie must be very careful with the fertilizers and nutrients. Overdoing is often made mistake by novice growers and even the plants can be killed.
The symptoms for overfeeding your plant is a curled leave. And try not to add any synthetic nutrients to it, after all you are going to smoke that.
Never fall for some special grwomixes for cannabis growing, as they are just some cheap tomatoe fertilizer with just different label on it. A good organic fertilizer are: chicken, horse, cow or rabbit manure.
As a grower, my first attempt to grow in pots was total disaster, just because I missed the fact that, the plant's rooting system need oxygen. Thus it is strongly advisable to make a soil mixed with sand and perlite or any other similar product. Also mixing the soil with these will prevent from drying out quickly.
Another vital point that mustn't be neglected is the size of the pots. The bigger the pot, the bigger the roots, the bigger the root the bigger the plant - simple as that. For marijuana growing, you better not use any clay (red) pots, as the clay will make evaporation faster and it will dry out the soil.
pH balance and pH meters
If you are dedicated to growing, one mandatory item that you must have in your growing inventory is the pH meter.
These little gadgets come in variety of shapes and sizes, however they all do the same thing - to check the chemical balance of soil and water.
There are two types of pH meters available on the market for every grower.
The cheaper and more easily used is the paperstrips pH meter for onetime use only.
The other one is the probe pH meter and it has range grom 0 (acid) to 14 (alkaline). The pH level considered as optimal is between pH5.5 and pH7.
For long term growing, you should consider purchasing the probe pH meter as it will serve you long time ahead, however it costs, but try use one-time paperstrip pH meter every time .... it will be even more expensive on the long term.
So what do you do when the balance is not present? If the water is to alkaline scale you can neutralize it by adding sulfuric acid, nitric acid or simply vinegar. When the soil or the water in it goes to acidic levels, you should neutralize it by putting a bit solution of lime, wood ashes or soda bicarbonate. However, be gentle when adding those chemicals, otherwise being careless could result in death of your plants.
The temperature
Marijuana plants can withstand very high temperatures! Neglecting the air temperature surrounding your plant will slow it's chemical processes, thus a stable temperature of 20C/68F is highly recommended. The lower the temperature the slower the rooting system will grow. There fore when you move your plants to bigger pots, never place them right on the cold floor. The higher the temperature the better the conditions for pests. So as the pH level also the temperature must be maintained in balance as well.
Depending on your light gear for growing your plants, you might need some fans to eliminate the excess temperature in the room, especially during the summer when. However proper configuration of the fan must be done, otherwise too much blowing will make your plant with thicker stalk while leaving the plant shorter and its branches and buds smaller.
The situation during winter is quite different. A heater will be need in the room with thermostat to keep the temperature in desired levels. You can go for gas heating or electrical one. However, I do not recommend you to use gas heather, as the chances for accidents are higher.
The humidity
The same thing like the temperature goes here. Too much of it will bring mold, and without it the plants will dry and turn yellow.
Growing with seeds
The seed growing can be a knife with two blades. One seed can become fame or male plant. Therefore every grower is using at least two times more seeds than the plants you want to grow.Thus one should prepare the seeds for planting, by placing them in a glass of water in a room with 22 - 24 C temperature. Leave them until they open being able to see the white part. This is the main root that should be visible. The preparation process can take up to week.
Afterwards, take each seed separately and place them in their own small pots of soil. The seed is good to be placed under the surface around quarter inch, then just water it with love and care. When the seed pops up place above them a fluorescent lighting. The light should be from 2 to 5 inches space between the plant and the very light source.
The head of the seed will pop up depending on the variety your grow, it will need approximately two weeks. For plant growing it shall need around 18 hours a day of light. When your plants grow up to four inches (10-12 cm), you should start letting their soil dry a bit before the next watering.
The time of the flowering will take depending on your choice strain, so be patient.
Finally there is one main rule that you should follow - if the most part of the hairs on the buds (about 60-70 percent) are brown, orange or red the time for harvesting has come.
Harvesting time
Most growers remove the leaves at the end, however some prefer to do it when the plant is still in the pot, because it is way more easy. After this, all pointy leaves that are sticking out of the buds must be removed. The leaves are removed in order not to spoil the buds by drying out on them. If you smoke it will give you pain in the throat resulting in heavy cough.After removing all these leaves from the buds, you must hung upside down on a room with full darkness, and with medium ventilation, otherwise without fresh air coming, they most surely will get mold. Be also aware that rats and all kind of rodents love eating marijuana buds, so make sure you about the room you place them for drying out.
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