Feb 11, 2014

5 Plants that Can Prolong Your Life

There are millions of plant forms around us, worldwide they are even more.

Yet, we can barely name 50 off the top of our head.

Why is this and how can we change it? Read some quite clever uses for some plants you’ve never thought can help treat illness!

A rosemary plant on white paper
  • Rosemary is a spice that most of us know as the perfect addition to lentils, lamb, pork and even fresh green salads.

    It’s actually a pretty strong cure against one of our time’s worst illnesses – Alzheimer’s disease.

    Because of its positive impact on the blood system and its tonic-like effect on the nerves, it’s a great way to fight off also depression and joint pains.

  • Another plant that you probably have never really related to cures and medicine (or not until the recent advertising spam) is hemp.

    It has essential fatty acids, amino acids and Calcium.

    Hemp oils, extracts and hemp-based medicaments are already used all over the world.

    Apart of the most-talked-about possibility of the plant to help cure cancer, it is also a rumored PMS “antidote”.

Borage flower
  • Borage, in case you don’t know, is what some of us know as starflower. Well, it’s a pretty blue flower that tastes sweet and resembles a good spoon of honey.

    Little do people know about how healthy borage can be for us, even more than honey in some cases!

    It positively influences our body and aids in the fight against rheumatism, bladder problems, cystitis and even helps ease coughs.

  • We already are somewhat aware of cannaoil’s health benefits.
    Activists and scientists both explain how this plant can cure certain aspects and types of cancer.

    Did you know, however, that it is also a valuable ally in fighting epilepsy?

    Although it’s not necessary for the canna oil to be a cure, it definitely eases nausea and pain.

    "Maybe" that's why big corporations and governments desperately need to channel negativity towards growing medical marijuana.

  • A beloved spice for almost any meal, basil is actually helping our health while we cook it.

    Unlike with many natural food ingredients, however, we don’t really consider basil a remedy.

    This is wrong. Why? Because it is rich in Vitamin K – a natural coagulant which is often very hard to find in some countries.

    You can help your body fight conditions such as motion sickness, high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

Isn’t it amazing how easy it is to find all these strong medicines around us? If you’re interested in finding out some more cool facts about how nature can help us live a better life, feel free to read on in.

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