Feb 18, 2014

Indoor Gardening: Herbs Edition

Indoor Gardening: Herbs Edition Here’s a fact we all know—the world is moving to the big city. The big cities grow even larger, while the small villages are ‘endangered’. Some people don’t even know what it feels like to pull out your food right from the ground. We should not allow this.

It’s actually so simple that a tiny article like this can teach you how to create your own small indoor garden. The garden and its tasty, juicy fruits can be right next to you, no matter where you live. 

So… what do we need to start growing indoors?

1. The room?

    Wondering which of your rooms is the best for growing your own herbs? Choose one which has plenty of sunlight (but can be hidden with a curtain or shade if too bright or hot) and good air circulation. Think about the ease of access—you will need to reach and water/clean the plants without it being too difficult.

    Also, you will probably ‘visit’ them quite a lot anyway. I suggest a small room with a window or a balcony if you live in a temperate or cooler climate. Open balconies are fine if you’re in a warner region.

2. The preparation

    After having chosen the right place and in order to have the great small or not so small garden we would love to have, we first need to prepare the room or balcony.
    Put the needed shading mechanisms on the windows, fasten the places for the pots with a well-wrought net or fence and buy an irrigation system that works for your garden’s size (a DIY one is fine as well).

3. Choosing the right plant
    There are some things I cannot tell you, unfortunately. Like what kinds of plants grow and feel most comfortably in your region, for example. Why? Because this would be the topic of a whole other article. After all, there are as many possible climates in the world as are nations. At the least.

4. The indoor gardening tricks

    However, I can give you some simple tricks on how to grow the strongest and most lively plants, no matter where you are. One of these tricks is using nutrients. Many companies produce them and, although some are plant-specific, you should try their products on everything that comes from the same plant family.

    Another cool thing are gardening-specific lights. If step 1 is hard for you because your windowed rooms are already taken, you can use artificial lightening as well. When watering, use water with the same temperature as the room where your plants are.

That’s it from me. I can’t wait to share with you some more advice and great things I discovered these last few months!

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